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Larry Ackerman

“Identity is cause; 
brand is effect.”

Thousands of companies now recognize that brand names are their most valuable assets, but too often branding is merely a tactical decision, almost an afterthought. We are here to help you in a journey that will increase notoriety for your business and will have you clients return due to familiarity.


Branding is essential for good business.

Small and very small businesses probably have less margin for error than their larger customers and competitors. You have smaller cushions of cash. There are lower costs of entry for hungrier competitors. And you need to be sure that you get the biggest bang for the bucks invested in your limited resources to assure that the business not only stays alive, but thrives. Organizations that have applied solutions that focus on and manage constraints have had impressive results.


We can help you plan your strategy; develop worksheets for tracking expenses and growth, and all the small details that makes a business successful. Call us now for a consultation.






“However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally
look at the results.”

Winston Churchill

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