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Ebonicia Fisher

The Avant Design Firm was designed to offer multiple portals for an individual in need of someone with expertise in design. We mainly focus on Design and Esthetics. Our main areas of expertise are Event Design, Publication & Website Design, and Brand Creation & Managemet.


Mission Statement

To provide affordable but beautiful design services for your event and everyday needs.



Our designers come from the urban backdrop, they are inclined on how to find beauty in the ordinary and make the affordable look expensive. We want the average person living on an average budget to have a great event or publications completed for a reasonable price, without breaking the bank.




Founder & CEO

Danielle Harper
Michelle Harper

CFO - Creative Director

Co-Founder - Style Designer

Danielle has a total of 9 years in design and marketing. She has been able to design and implement brands for large companies such as Charles Schwab, Gap Inc., Pacific Pulmonary Services, Boudin Inc., and Safeway to name a few. She attended the Academy of Art University in San Francisco studying Business Marketing and Graphic Design. 


She put her career on hold to start a family. After she was done having kids, she started volunteering at a non profit. She was quickly hired and then promoted to the position of Communications and IT Coordinator. This position widened her expertise in publication design, Website CMS management and SEO marketing techniques.


She has always been a creative soul and very experienced in finding the best cost savings for any task.

Ebonicia Fisher Co-Founder and Co-CEO is a jack of all trades. Ebonicia has a degree in Cosmetology & Liberal Arts, and worked in graphic design for several years. With creativity, insight, and an intuitive mindset, Ebonicia is a perfect piece of the Avant puzzle.

Michelle Harper has been a banking professional for 5 years, she is intuitive when it comes to business financials and tracking expenses. She can set budgets for business and develop P&L forms that help businesses thrive. Michelle also has a great sense of style and has designed some very impressive event sets.


She has a keen eye for classic style and design. She will be contributing her expertise in event sets, and overall design of AVANT's Publications.

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